วิชา 881401
วิทยานิพนธ์ 1 (Dissertation I)
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Essential Elements of Dissertation Research

Dissertation research being the fundamental part of the dissertation or thesis paper, other chapters like literature review and research discussions emerge from it. Therefore, students must pay considerable attention to the planning and preparation of this part.

However, it is important to display the knowledge that students may have on any topic, in practice, and research is the tool, which facilitates this. Simply having any theoretical knowledge without its practical implementation is useless and research techniques help students to put such knowledge to practical use. In addition, the aim of the research must be to make any meaningful contribution to the existing research knowledge about the topic, while filling the noticeable gaps in its research area. Therefore, students should stress on learning the practical experience about the issues concerning their essay topic, rather than emphasizing on its theoretical knowledge only.

While the following instructions can guide the students regarding a few essential elements of dissertation research, they must go though a good dissertation writing to understand the meaning of research in presenting such papers.

Knowledge on the topic

This follows the selection of the topic for writing the dissertation document. However, the topic selection is also related to the level of knowledge that students might have about the particular topic. In addition, they must choose a topic, which has total relevance to their field of study, while they can apply the theoretical knowledge gained from their coaching sessions to formulate the research strategy for their thesis paper.

Therefore, students should prepare a detailed literature review, which should support the research question and the methodology used for conducting research, while testing the hypothesis of dissertation.

Research questions

As dissertation research questions are the basics of writing any thesis document, these must be relevant to the thesis topic and its statement. At the same time, these questions must also gel with the problem statement, while hypothesis should support the answers for these questions, as presented in the detailed dissertation paper. However, it is advisable to formulate a couple of research questions while they must have close relation with the research topic and its various issues. Preparing separate detailed chapters to discuss each question would prove to be an effective strategy for presentation of their dissertation paper.

Students can also go through a good coursework help to know more about the fundamentals of essay writing skills.

Research methodology

While students should detail the purpose of their research and the importance of the relevant research questions, in their dissertation proposal, they require describing the methods used by them in collecting the required data. In addition, they must forward the techniques of data analysis that they propose to employ for interpreting the research findings. In any case, the dissertation paper would comprise of separate chapters that discuss the research findings, while presenting the conclusive results from the same. However, going through any assignment writing would guide students on preparation of a well-defined research paper.


Essential Elements of Dissertation Research. (2011). Retrieve August 1, 2011, from



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Revised:June 2011