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The Head Element

The HEAD element contains information about the current document, such as its title, keywords that may be useful to search engines, and other data that is not considered document content. Elements within the HEAD are generally not displayed.

A typical HEAD might look like this:-

<HEAD>	<TITLE>The WDVL: The Head Element</TITLE>

	<META	NAME	= "Copyright"
		CONTENT	= "1997 CyberWeb SoftWare">
	<META	NAME	= "Keywords"
		CONTENT	= "HEAD element, metadata,
		title, meta tag, link tag, base tag"

		href	= "http://Stars.com/WDVL.css"
		Type	= "text/css"	>
TITLE defines the document title, and is always needed. The title will not appear on the document as on printed documents. It will usually appear in a window bar identifying the contents of the window.
ISINDEX for simple keyword searches, see PROMPT attribute. Usually placed in the HEAD by the server or a server script/program to indicate a simple search facility. Not usually placed in an HTML file, but generated by program. It's a kind of degenerate form.
LINK used to define relationships with other documents. <LINK rev="RELATIONSHIP" rel="RELATIONSHIP" href="URL"> The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the HTML file and the URL. The rev attribute (for "reverse") specifies the relationship between the URL and the HTML file.
META used to supply meta info as name/value pairs. Embeds document meta-information not defined by other HTML elements. Could be very useful for automatic indexing.
BASE defines base URL for resolving relative URLs. A record of the original URL of the document: this allows you to move the document to a new directory (or even a new site) and have relative URLs access the appropriate place with respect to the original URL.
STYLE allows document-specific styles to be described. The STYLE element provides a means for including rendering information using a specified style notation. Information in the STYLE element overrides client defaults and that of linked style sheets. It allows authors to specify overrides, while for the most part using a generic style sheet, and as such improves the effectiveness of caching schemes for linked style sheets.

W3C: HEAD Element

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